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Brothers Donathan (Part Two) #12: Kiss my Euripides

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Did he really do that?  
Monday, June 12, 2006

I mention here and there that I have the rest of the chapter for Brothers Donathan planned out. This is true, except in unique cases like today's comic. The script I had written for it was innocent and lighthearted.

...Then I drew Kate about three feet from where I intended her to be. And I went with it. Needless to say, it changed the ending I had in mind and it means I have to rethink my story.

God, I love organic storytelling.

I may type up some more after I wake up but right now I'm terribly tired. A good tired, but tired nonetheless! And I find myself in Jersey 
Tuesday, June 13, 2006

Just got back from a concert in NYC and I'm staying with Yuko in New Jersey before I head back to Connecticut.

I'm absolutely beat - the concert was probably the best I've ever been to (I say that for every one I go to - but I swear this time, it was the best), but it took every last drop of energy I had to participate. Totally worth it though.

New comic is delayed until Thursday, and then there will be one on Friday as well - still keeping to three-per-week.

I've got loads of things to talk about, but not at 2AM! Dionysia Update! 
Monday, June 19, 2006

My film festival, Dionysia seems to be picking up steam! Within the past week, interest has grown tremendously! Thanks to the help of Mookie and Ananth, word has gone out further and today has seen it even better!

If you have content, please send it in! Spots are filling up, but there's still a lot of room to claim - head to the site and just email me with the info, after that, I'll tell you where to mail in a VHS or DVD of your work!

Thank you so much for all the interest so far. Also, if you know anyone with movies that are just sitting around, tell them to send it in!

This film festival is something of an experiment this year, so the more word and buzz about it, the better. Thanks to all of those who have submitted and those of you will be in the next week or two. If this is a success, you can all look forward to Dionysia II in the summer of 2007! Podcast Interview?! WHAT?!
Thursday, July 6, 2006

I did an interview for the webcomics podcast, Digital Strips.

I talk about my comic for a while, a little about Dionysia, and then go right onto my complete thoughts of storytelling and the demise of creativity. Adaptations are discussed as well as my negative thoughts of the webcomic community and webcomics, in general. Lots of bridge burning ensues!

If you're interested in hearing me rant about storytelling and creative limitations instead of reading my writings of the exact same topics, feel free to give it a listen! It's Comcastic!
Wednesday, July 12, 2006

Comcast has officially gone and done their third annual "Oh god! Your internet service has too many IPs connecting to it! We're going to disconnect all of them until you call us and yell at us" thing.

Thanks, Comcast, thank you for reminding me how much I hate the internet and technology.

Anyway, I don't know how I'm updating this thing, but thought I'd give everyone a head's up. I'd love to put up a new comic, chat a while, talk about Connecticut and how amazing Dionysia went, but alas, my actions are dictated by an ISP who sees fit to disconnect our service at will.

Dionysia went amazing, by the way, and we're already making preperations on Dionysia II (which we got the go ahead to do so), I should make a separate topic for this... Anyway, I give my best! Genrezvous Point is BACK
Tuesday, August 8, 2006

Follow this link to Genrezvous Point:

Brothers Donathan is still active, I just lack some motivation to do it right now. The theory is that having something update like GP will get the wheels moving on other projects, bla bla bla.

Plus, there's too much going on in the entertainment world that I need to comment on and my journal just isn't cutting it.

I'm not apologizing for the return of GP - it's great and wonderful! GP is pure light and energy! Go read it five days a week! Genrezvolution!
Wednesday, August 23, 2006

Thanks to everyone for their continued support on the Genrezvous Point project!

Let it be known that Genrezvous Point is the main focus right now and that it's been updating, without fail, five days a week. The other chapters will be updating, but until they do, it's nice to have one that is.

I have more ideas and more drive to do the other chapters than I have in a while - that was the point of all this, but first, I'm just taking a break from it.

Just thought I'd clear that up for everyone!

Have thoughts on the comic? Send an email!

Instant Classic Entertainment
A series of comics on life, love, and film • Written and illustrated by Brian Carroll • Updates weekly - tell your friends!
Design: Brian Carroll • Original PHP: Ted Hahn
Instant Classic © 2003-2010 Brian Carroll