And speaking of Genrezvous Point, those following the story got a special treat today. Hop on over there and check it out.
I announce this today with all the respect and love I could possibly have for the loyal readers that support me. You guys are currently giving me the chance to make this site into a real thing, and I am eternally grateful for that. We still have a far way to go, but we're closer than we've ever been. I'm enjoying the hell out of this - let's keep moving forward!
Thank you all very much.
Before I forget... The show is broadcast live and then can be listened to "Live +7" (for you fans of Tivo) on the site. Every Monday, 10:00PM Eastern - join us in the live chat during the broadcast! Tonight we'll be talking about Horror movies, including the "Halloween" remake. Have thoughts on the comic? Send an email!
September 3, 2007
I've been talking about this on the Genrezvous Point site, but have been an odd radio silence on this page about it. For the past two weeks now, I've been joining Tom, Joe, and Gordon on their movie podcast "The Triple Feature." I've been having a blast being a special guest on the show every Monday and tonight will be no different.