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Five Years
May 12, 2008

Comic will be up this afternoon - but I wanted to let everyone know that today is officially IC's fifth birthday. I'll talk about this more when I put up the comic, but I just wanted to extend a quick thank you to everyone - I couldn't imagine my life without the comic at this point. Here's to five more!
May 12, 2008

I raise a glass today in honor of my longest running project, Instant Classic.

After five years, the comic has certainly seen its changes. And even though the site hasn't been a stranger to missing updates, its always provided me with a constant - an anchor to weigh down how chaotic my life tends to get.

I've made many friends through the comic - I've often said that because the humor is so alienating at times (my amazing ability to never appeal to a mass audience), the few who honestly enjoy it, are people who I know I can be friends with. This theory has proven itself over and over.

The comic started when I was 18 in response to not being satisfied with my previous attempt, BriWorld, which I did for a year (last week actually marked six years of doing webcomics). I'm 23 now. Last part of high school, all through my life at college, and now lasting while out of college. It's been an amazing ride and I honestly never want it to end.

If you've caught on to the theme of the strip, you've noticed that my passion in for filmmaking. Most of the time, the comic stops updating due to opportunity to work on film - mine or otherwise. Occasionally, the temptation to end the comic and do movies full time presents itself. Sometimes I take it more seriously than others, but the balance always prevails.

Now with Mike Smith joining the writing team, the comic is better than ever. Just to make things clear, Mike has always been part of the crew of IC - he's a big reason why IC is IC. Hell - a big example is the music in Prologue's #100. Mike's idea and selection.

All in all - I feel incredibly proud. Thank you all for the greatest thing in my life - now let's keep moving forward!

Have thoughts on the comic? Send an email!

Instant Classic Entertainment
A series of comics on life, love, and film • Written and illustrated by Brian Carroll • Updates weekly - tell your friends!
Design: Brian Carroll • Original PHP: Ted Hahn
Instant Classic © 2003-2010 Brian Carroll