I'm not exaggerating even a little bit with the title of today's comic. This one was four years in the making, ever since Prologue ended (can you believe that's how long it's been?) Anyway, enjoy!
In further news, I've got a ticket in my hand for a midnight screening of Indiana Jones 4. I worked as a Production Assistant for one day on the set down in New Haven so whether or not my name is in the credits remains to be seen (it would be pretty awesome, though - even if it was for only a day's work). If you see the movie, look for my name!
Happy Birthday, Mike! Today is May 21 and that happens to be current IC co-writer Mike Smith's birthday. This movie was made to celebrate. (Ren shot it!)
May 21, 2008
Happy Birthday, Mike!
Have thoughts on the comic? Send an email!