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Brothers Donathan (Part One) #7: Kidnapped

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Work work work.
April 11, 2005

I've started preproduction on the movie adaptation of "Union Forever." It's been fun and frustrating working on this film but it looks more and more likely that I'm going to be able to pull it off. I'll be launching a production journal for the film hopefully sometime this week.

Comic up. Bri tired. Bri sleeps. Rant later.

But head on over to AppleGeeks where I'm covering for a very sick Hawk! Ananth was nice enough to let me take over the comic for a day. Both of you guys rock! Although, I may have to read your comic more, I think I missed the point entirely.

UPDATE: Alrighty, I've got some sleep in me and I'm ready to roll. Although, I'm not sure what to exactly talk about. Except for the fact that movies aren't looking good lately. Sony has officially taken over MGM regal movie library which upsets me. I have no choice but to seee "Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy," despite all my common sense telling me how dumb this movie looks, and why? Because apparently the first trailer to Serenity will be attached to it... guess I'll be taking a bullet for the team on that one.

Have thoughts on the comic? Send an email!

Instant Classic Entertainment
A series of comics on life, love, and film • Written and illustrated by Brian Carroll • Updates weekly - tell your friends!
Design: Brian Carroll • Original PHP: Ted Hahn
Instant Classic © 2003-2010 Brian Carroll