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Brothers Donathan (Part Three) #21: Find out what it means to me

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A Sentence. A Word. Anything.
February 16, 2009

Hello everyone - hope everyone had a good Valentine's Day weekend. Me? I did, thank you. I saw "He's Just Not That Into You." Why? Because I'm a Maverick.

Moving on: Back to putting in the time to color comics again and boy does it feel good. I'll go back and color the last few eventually - but for now, here ya go.

So I've been talking about having a tease of the new Genrezvous Point and the best I can give you all right now is the splash image up on the site right now. Needless to say, for the half of you who like Genrezvous Point, I'm going to blow your minds. To those who hate the comic: Hey, I don't blame you. I mean, c'mon, genres?

Simply put, there's too much absurd movie and entertainment news going on without a mouthpiece made of metaphors to speak out of. Target 1: The analog-to-digital switchover being hosted by our friends at the FCC. Trust me, I could do a hour stand-up routine on just that subject alone. Here goes: "The FCC is giving $40 coupons out to everyone in the country to buy DTV convertor boxes. Who do they think they are? Rod Blagojevich?" All right fine. I'm a little rusty. I swear it'll be funnier being said by a copy-and-paste icon. But if it's really a problem, well tough cookies, because you're talking to a DTV Deputy. That's right. 100%

Also, Ren gave me a website for Valentine's Day! And I made a thing out of it.

Have thoughts on the comic? Send an email!

Instant Classic Entertainment
A series of comics on life, love, and film • Written and illustrated by Brian Carroll • Updates weekly - tell your friends!
Design: Brian Carroll • Original PHP: Ted Hahn
Instant Classic © 2003-2010 Brian Carroll