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Brothers Donathan (Part Two) #5: Getting Prophetic

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Black Friday. Green Bars.
Friday, November 25, 2005

Today is what people call "Black Friday." It's exactly what "Black Tuesday" was - except the complete opposite.

Oh - to answer a question asked to me by a few people now in regards to the "Bogart Kicks Orphans" shirt that Kate's been wearing for the last two comics now: As I type this, I have no plans to make this a shirt - it's purely just a slight visual gag based on something she said earlier. If I ever DO make it a real shirt, I will regret ever putting it in the comic this blatantly. Simply put, I'm not a fan of shirts-worn-by-characters-in-comic-promoting-real-shirt-counterparts. I see it all too often in webcomics and the artistic content always looks cheapened as a result.

If you didn't see it earlier, a new Brothers Donathan comic went up. Hope everyone had a good Thanksgiving, and have a good weekend! I'm thinking ...triangles!
Sunday, November 27, 2005

Monday's comic isn't quite done yet - but it will be up sometime today. When you see the comic, you'll see WHY it's taking a little longer to do. Storywise, I'm a huge fan of what I'm doing, but people on the "outer loop?" Well, it'll be interesting.

Today starts the new term for classes. I am very excited. My punctuation doesn't express this - but trust me, you can't make an exclamation point without a period.

Have thoughts on the comic? Send an email!

Instant Classic Entertainment
A series of comics on life, love, and film • Written and illustrated by Brian Carroll • Updates weekly - tell your friends!
Design: Brian Carroll • Original PHP: Ted Hahn
Instant Classic © 2003-2010 Brian Carroll